We Are Experts At Growing Plants For Green Roofs
We grow all our plants in the Czech Republic!
Fast communication with a Czech-based business. Fast and low-cost distribution. Plants of Czech origin.
We use our specialist know-how to grow plants in the Mělník region of Central Bohemia in the Czech Republic.
We communicate across all project levels — from the investors & developers to architects, project architects & installers.
We work with you to create a simple solution to a complex problem, complete with consultancy if required.

Taking the environment seriously.
Our complex activity supports energy efficient building projects, contributing to cost-conscious building.
We have gained extensive experience in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden to be able to carry out our goals at the highest levels.

High quality material is the most important part of building a green roof. We offer material that comes fromown pre-cultivating area (nursery) was based in the spring 2016 in the village of Obříství near Mělník and the other in Hradec Kralove 2017. This area was thoroughly researched and finally picked for its subsoil properties, convenient climate conditions and corresponding plant-growing history. The local sandy subsoil provides great permeability. The field does not lie in a flood zone. Our growing technology is in accordance with the FLL guidelines for designing, installing and maintenance of green roof vegetation layers. We dispatched the goods to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Belgium, Slovenia, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia. As we are a transit country, we bring the advantage of very flexible and cost-effective logistic services.
We currently offer:
- pre-cultivated Sedum mats (Sedum TopMat S/5)
- Sedum cuttings (Sedum TopMix S/5).
The source is a mix of 12 carefully chosen cuttings of Sedum:
Sedum album, Sedum album coral carpet, Sedum sexegulare, Sedum hispanicum „Minus“, Sedum lydium „Glauca“, Sedum reflexum, Sedum reflexum „Angelica“, Sedum lydium, Sedum acre, Sedum hybr. „Immergrunchen“, Sedum kampschaticum, Sedum spurium „Fuldaglut“
Single-kind Sedum cuttings and seedlings will be available in the above stated types.
We use innovative methods for growing the Sedum mats that are optimized for the Czech environment and market. We prefer Czech suppliers when we choose individual growing profiles.
Pre-cultivated Sedum mat SedumTopMat S/5
- at least 85–95% coverage
- height 2,5–4 cm
- dry weight : 12–15kg/m²
- saturated weight: 15–18kg/m²
- shipping: 1,1 x 2m in rolls – or up to the customer´s requirement
- types: 6–8 Sedum types
Sedum sexangulare, Sedum spurium „Fuldaglut“, Sedum reflexum, Stonecrop Angelina, Sedum lydium, Sedum lydium „Glauca“, Sedum kamtschaticum, Sedum hybr. „Immergrunchen“, Sedum album, Sedum hispanicum „Minus“, Sedum album coral carpet, Sedum acre
SedumTopMix cuttings S/5
- extensive green roof
- distribution of cuttings onto the surface
- 100 ‑150g for 1 sq. meter
- the mix is prepared from at least 6 types of Sedum
Sedum album, Sedum album coral carpet, Sedum sexangulare, Sedum hispanicum „Minus“, Sedum lydium „Glauca“, Sedum reflexum, Sedum reflexum „Angelina“, Sedum lydium, Sedum acre, Sedum hybr. „Immergrunchen“, Sedum kamtschaticum, Sedum spurium „Fuldaglut“

We supply pre-cultivated Sedum mat for small projects (eg family houses) as well as large projects (eg roofing of business centers). We use fully the excellent properties of pre-cultivated SedumTopMat S/5. The main advantages are fast installation and immedate green roof.
See our references.
The Czech Green Building Council (CZGBC) integrates companies and organizations from all sectors of the economy related to the real estate market and the construction industry and stimulates the market to transform methods of design, construction, renovation and operation of buildings and urban structures with the aim to create a healthy, prosperous, environmentally and socially friendly built environment that enhances the quality of life.

UCEEB was founded as an independent institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague under the auspices of four departments – Civil engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. The Centre’s goal is to leverage synergy effects of research activities of the individual departments which are related to energy efficient buildings.
The Ministry of the Environment’s programme administered by the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic is focused on energy savings and renewable energy sources in family houses. From January 2017 it is possible to apply for a subsidy to build a green roof. If the conditions are fulfilled, the subsidy is up to 500 CZK/sq. meter.
Direct contact to the merchant:
Hana Kocmanová
+420 605 700 561 | info@sedumtop.cz
U Županských 39
193 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic
green roof, sedum blanket, pre-cultivated vegetation mats, sedum blanket for green roofs, drought tolerant plants, roof garden, rooftop garden, green roof layers, intensive green roof, extensive green roof