+420 605 700 561

How and where we cultivate plants

Our nurseries

Obříství near by Mělník and Hradec Králové

Currently, our nursery is located in two places in the Czech Republic – in Obříství near by Mělník (planted in 2016) and in Hradec Králové (planted in 2017). Together we grow sedum blankets on 20 hectares. Both locations were carefully selected with regard to the characteristics of the subsoil (sandy, permeable), suitable climatic conditions and corresponding cultivation history. The proximity of the rivers (Vltava, Orlice), from which we draw irrigation during the season, also plays a role.

All these aspects together allow us to produce top quality, highly resistant plant material that can withstand in different geographical locations from the south of Europe to the north (see Implementation). In terms of growing technology, we adhere to the FLL standards as well as the Standards for the Design, Implementation and Maintenance of Green Roof Vegetation Layers.

We established our first site after 2 years of intensive research, where we tested suitable material components and different growing methods together with industry professionals. We prefer suppliers from the Czech Republic when selecting individual material growing profiles. We have adapted the species diversity in the blanket over the years so that the different species represented thrive in different habitats and conditions.

The source is a carefully selected mix of cuttings from these 12 species of Sedum:
Sedum album, Sedum album coral carpet, Sedum sexegulare, Sedum hispanicum „Minus“, Sedum lydium „Glauca“, Sedum reflexum, Sedum reflexum „Angelina“, Sedum lydium, Sedum acre, Sedum hybr. „Immergrunchen“, Sedum kamtschaticum, Sedum spurium „Fuldaglut“.

We guarantee a minimum of 6 species of Sedum in the blanket (Sedum is an arid-loving plant that can survive long periods without rainfall, can thrive in very little substrate thickness and is low maintenance).

At the moment we offer two types of product – Pre-cultivated Sedum Blankets and Sedum Cuttings (see Products).

However, we can also supply sedum cassettes and plants in multiplates on request.


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Direct contact to our sales representative:

Hana Kocmanová

+420 605 700 561
